1. engine
Pitch accent
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Examples (28 in total)
The engine is running.
Stop the engine!
Have you checked the engine?
The engine is running at full power.
Is this engine functional?
The engine started again.
How can I start the engine?
The engine has broken down again.
Tom started the engine.
The mechanic assembled the engine.
Leave the engine running.
The engine is making strange noises.
If you push the button, the engine will stop.
The engine is itself very good.
John started the car.
Smoke was billowing from the engine.
Open source is the engine that drives technological innovation.
Please tell me how to start the engine.
This engine works well.
He tests engines every day.
He left the motor running.
This engine consumes the most oil.
Mr Hashimoto started the engine.
It is doubtful if we can get the engine working.
He contrived a new engine that does not use gas.
Every Sunday, Takashi loves to adjust his car's engine.
The Wright brothers succeeded in flying an airplane driven by an engine.
That Jordan replaced the main engine in this experiment is self-evident.