1. group (usu. of people)
Pitch accent
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Examples (38 in total)
I'd like to join your group.
Which group do you want to join?
They were separated into two groups.
I want to join Joe's group.
The group is running on the beach.
That group was created by Dick.
They were a good group as a whole.
The entertainment expense was borne by our group.
What's your favorite music group?
A group of youths attacked the old man.
Our teacher separated us into two groups.
The group was made up of four young men.
Which group is your friend in?
I was enchanted by the performance of the group.
He tried to unify the various groups.
You should cut off your connections with that group.
He taught a group of Indian boys.
That group is presently very active.
The class was divided into four groups.
Do you have something to do with this group?
We are going to travel in a group this summer.
She bears malice toward our group.
Recently numerous groups have offered counsel.
The class was too big so we split up into two smaller groups.
Many groups of immigrants have been assimilated into American society.
The police is always watching the movements of the group.
The company is equally owned by the two groups.
I would like to emphasize the Confucian values that exist within this group.
Sadly, my father no longer belongs to the group.
From that conclusion the family could be divided into two groups.
The Japanese make a group and tend to act together.
I'm the only one in this group who doesn't speak French.
I met a group of hikers, some of whom were university students.
The Japanese pay more attention to the group or the organization than to the individual.
Our group is a five person group.
The students parted into three groups.
The group is made up of six members.
The government watched the activities of radical groups carefully.