1. Spanish (language)
Pitch accent
Composed of
word; language; speech
Used in vocabulary (1 in total)
Spanish-speaking world; Spanish-speaking countries
Examples (42 in total)
Spanish is easy.
I don't speak Spanish.
He is a good speaker of Spanish.
I need to study Spanish.
What do you learn Spanish for?
"Ha, ha!" he said in Spanish.
Where are you learning Spanish?
Carol is studying Spanish.
Spanish is easy to master.
Spanish is spoken in Mexico.
From now on, I'm going to speak in Spanish.
My daughter is a Spanish teacher.
The book is written in Spanish.
How do you say "cat" in Spanish?
I can read Spanish with ease.
She can speak Spanish well.
Jack may speak Spanish, too.
I'm taking Spanish this semester.
I can speak French and also Spanish.
I am studying Chinese and Spanish.
He is proficient in both Spanish and Italian.
Spanish is much easier than German.
"Are you Spanish?" "No, but I can speak Spanish."
He applied himself to the study of Spanish.
He and I cannot speak Spanish.
She spoke to me in Spanish.
If you teach me Japanese, I'll teach you Spanish.
He can speak Spanish, not to mention English.
I can't speak English, much less Spanish.
He started to learn Spanish from the radio.
Could you translate this sentence to Spanish?
How many Spanish words did you learn yesterday?
I'm going to study biology and Spanish.
Some knowledge of foreign languages, of Spanish in particular, is essential.
Tom speaks Spanish, and Betty speaks Spanish, too.
Spanish is spoken in most countries of South America.
Spanish and Portuguese are very similar languages.
Try to understand it in Spanish, without translating to English.
She devoted all her energy to studying Spanish.
You must be able to speak either English or Spanish in this company.
Bob is the only student that can speak Spanish in our class.
How many teachers of Spanish are there at this high school?