1. dress
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Examples (99 in total)
That dress seems to be very expensive.
Do you have a dress in white?
I love that dress.
Is that a satin dress?
Where did you buy that dress?
She had her dress made.
The dress I like most is the black one.
She was satisfied with the new dress.
Did you notice her new dress?
How much did you pay for the dress?
You look nice in that dress.
I’ll wear a red dress tonight.
The ribbon doesn't match the dress.
She was wearing an ugly dress.
She's wearing a green dress.
Does this dress make me look fat?
That dress fit her perfectly.
She wore a simple dress.
My new dress is red.
"May I help you?" "Yes, I'm looking for a dress."
Choose a dress you like.
Mary was wearing a navy blue dress.
Her dress looked cheap.
She was in a silk dress.
She purposely showed off her dress.
Can you zip up my dress?
Buy any dress you like.
This dress was in fashion in those days.
A new dress was bought for her.
Is this dress washable?
The dress in the window caught my eye.
Hiromi is wearing a new dress.
I made her a dress.
Are you going to buy that dress you were looking at yesterday?
She chose the red dress.
Where did you get this beautiful dress?
She looked happy in her new dress.
I like this blue dress.
Do you think that dress suits her?
She stood out because she was wearing a red dress.
Her dress is not to my taste.
She turned her old dress into a skirt.
Your hat matches your dress marvellously.
This dress fits you well.
This material isn't suitable for a dress.
Who is the girl in the pink dress?
The French style of dress is in vogue now.
He sewed a dress for me.
The bride was wearing a pure white dress.
This beautiful dress is made of silk.
She walked about in search of the dress.
I'm looking for a hat to match a brown dress.
The queen was wearing a magnificent silver dress.
This is the dress I made last week.
The dress Mary was wearing was white.
Tom made Jill a new dress.
Emi had her mother make a dress.
I'd like to try on this dress.
She was wearing a silk dress.
Emi ordered herself a new dress.
Mary was wearing a knee-length blue dress.
My mother made me a white dress.
He bought his daughter a new dress.
You are beautifully dressed.
My mother made me a new dress.
I like the simplicity of her dress.
I think that style of dress will return again next year.
My grandmother made me a new dress.
She always takes her time in choosing her dress.
You look better in this dress.
She was dressed all in white for the wedding.
Mother made me a pure white dress.
Mary's eccentric dress stood out in the crowd at the party space.
She picked out the shoes that match the dress.
Her dress was made of coarse wool.
Tom pinned a white corsage on Mary's dress.
She looked very beautiful in her new dress.
I had enough money to buy that dress.
I'm learning to sew so that I can make myself a dress.
Her dress attracted everyone's eyes at the party.
Please help me pick out a sweater which matches my new dress.
She chose a scarf to wear with the dress.
She bought six yards of cloth for a dress.
I can't afford to buy her a new dress.
Tom spilled red wine all over Mary's white dress.
My maternal grandmother persists in wearing that old-fashioned dress.
She looked at several dresses and decided on the most expensive one.
She wore a blue dress made by her mother for the concert.
The girl in the red dress ignored the man dressed in black and called a friend on her cellphone.
Do you really like this dress?
She bought the dress on impulse.
I have more dresses than my sister.
This dress comes in three sizes.
Why are you wearing my dress?
Meg looks pleased with her new dress.
This dress cost me over 40,000 yen.
I put on my favorite dress for the party.
A wide leather belt would look good with that dress.
This dress may look funny, but I like it.