Verb (する)
1. consciousness
2. becoming aware (of); awareness; sense
3. mano-vijnana (mental consciousness, cognizer of sensory information)
Pitch accent
Composed of
feelings; thoughts; meaning
acquaintanceship; vijnana; consciousness; written by...
Used in vocabulary (65 in total)
unconsciousness; unconscious; involuntary; the unconscious (psychoanalysis)
to lose consciousness
feeling of fellowship; fellow feeling
disturbance of consciousness
professional sense
semiconsciousness; half-consciousness; unconsciousness; subconsciousness
to recover consciousness; to come to
conscious; deliberate; intentional
unconscious; senseless
awareness that somebody will be hard to deal with; awareness that one is not good at something; (feeling) not up to doing something
sense of beauty; aesthetic sense
(sense of) rivalry; competitiveness
subconsciousness; subconscious (awareness)
discarnate entity
sense of purpose
crisis awareness; sense of impending crisis
professionalism; professional awareness
to resuscitate; to revive; to regain consciousness; to come round
to resuscitate; to revive; to regain consciousness; to come round
renewing oneself; changing one's way of thinking
to alter one's state of consciousness; to change one's mindset; to change one's attitude
person who is overly conscious about appearing interesting (esp. online)
(a feeling of) identification (with); sense of belonging
awareness of the issues; (having a) critical mind; concerns
highly conscious; highly aware; well-versed; highly knowledgable
being in a hazy state; being only half conscious; feeling dopey
social consciousness
sense of being the chosen people
sense of being victimized; aggrieved feelings; victim mentality; victim's mind
class consciousness
becoming aware (of); becoming conscious (of); realization; conscientization; (formation of) critical consciousness
attitude survey; opinion poll
stream of consciousness
moral consciousness
loss of consciousness
national consciousness
sense of solidarity
hyperconsciousness; too great a sense (of); something being only one's imagination; letting imagination run away with one
political awareness
transcendental appreciation
group consciousness
trance; an altered state of consciousness
status consciousness; perception of one's social status
preconscious (psychoanalysis)
preconscious (psychoanalysis)
normative consciousness
sense of atonement
sense of family
sense of participation
identifying (oneself) with the middle class
radical change in mentality; radically changing one's way of thinking; radical change in consciousness
inferiority complex
change in mentality; changing one's way of thinking; adjusting psychologically to shifting circumstances
sense of (one's) mission; awareness of one's duty (calling)
strong feelings of loyalty to one's old school; the old school tie
transcendental consciousness
phenomenal consciousness
Examples (12 in total)
She is unconscious.
Man is a conscious being.
We are always conscious of the signs.