Adjective (の)
1. stubbornness; obstinacy; willpower; pride
2. disposition; nature
Adjective (の)
3. appetite; desire; greed
Kanji used
Pitch accent
Top 4600
Composed of
feelings; thoughts; meaning
ground; land; the region in question; the local area; skin; texture; fabric
Used in vocabulary (22 in total)
malicious; ill-tempered; unkind
ill-natured; mean; nasty; sadistic; cruel; mean-spirited
to not give in; to be obstinate; to be stubborn; to be perverse
at any cost; at any price; at any expense
to be stubborn; to be obstinate; to be perverse; to not give in
to be stubborn; to be obstinate; to be perverse; to not give in
malicious; deliberately mean
latent disposition; inner feelings
gluttonous; greedy
to not give in; to be obstinate; to be stubborn; to be perverse
stubbornness; obstinacy
to be stubborn; to be obstinate; to be perverse; to not give in
obstinacy; stubbornness
gluttonous; greedy
to be stubborn; to be obstinate; to be perverse; to not give in
gluttonous; greedy
obstinacy; stubbornness
obstinacy; stubbornness
obstinacy; stubbornness
obstinacy; stubbornness
obstinacy; stubbornness
Examples (1 in total)
Once there lived a very wicked king in England.