Verb (する)
1. meaning; significance; sense
Pitch accent
Top 49700
Composed of
feelings; thoughts; meaning
(sense of) taste; counter for food, drink, medicine, etc.
Used in vocabulary (28 in total)
of uncertain meaning; ambiguous; cryptic; nonsensical; incomprehensible; perplexing
nonsense; no meaning; meaningless
of uncertain meaning; ambiguous; cryptic; nonsensical; incomprehensible; perplexing
Examples (90 in total)
The meaning doesn't change.
I didn't understand the point of this.
I didn't understand the meaning.
What's the point of existence?
What is the meaning of life?
I don't understand what you mean.
That's exactly what it means!
What does that mean? I don't understand.
What do they mean?
Smoking means suicide.
A green light means go.
What do you mean by cultural relativism?
Don't you want to know what it means?
What's the point in doing that?
Please show me the meaning of word.
I don't know what this means.
What does his silence imply?
Man is also an animal in a broad sense.
What do those lights signify?
The meaning of this letter is unclear.
I do not know the meaning of hatred.
Does it make sense to fix this?
Silence often implies resistance.
What does that poster mean?
What does this kanji mean?
What does this sign mean?
What does "resident alien" mean?
The meaning of this sentence is obscure.
Can you understand the meaning of this paragraph?
I've been thinking about the meaning of life.
Sorry, I do not understand the meaning of the question.
It is difficult to convey the meaning exactly.
I wonder what this phrase means.
The meaning is still obscure to me.
No two words are identical in meaning.
What do you think this sentence means?
These two sentences mean about the same thing.
To stand on your own two feet means to be independent.
What does this mark mean?
Our teacher is a gentleman in the true sense of the word.
Traditions no longer make any sense.
Silence often implies consent.
Examinations interfere with the real meaning of education.
Tom is trying to discover the meaning of life.
It has no absolute and universal significance.
What do these dots on the card mean?
The French word "soleil" means "sun".
Do you figure there's any reason to make a vocabulary book?
The figurative meaning is no longer in current use.
What will this mean for Edinburgh?
The meaning of words can change according to their context.
Lifelong education means perpetual retraining.
I don't know what this word means.
There are many words with meanings I don't know.
He grasped her meaning clearly.
I thought about the meaning of his painting.
The teacher explained the meaning of the word to us.
"There's no meaning. There's no purpose." "What do you mean?"
The teacher explained to us the meaning of the poem.
Money, as such, has no meaning.
Can you explain the exact meaning of this word?
Mary gazed at George in admiration.
I use a dictionary when I don't understand the meaning of words.
He explained the literal meaning of the phrase.
Intuitively, the basic atomic unit of meaning is a word.
Recently he has come to realize the significance of married life.
The meaning of a word is determined by the context where it is used.
War results only in senseless and violent destruction.
We couldn't grasp the meaning of what he was trying to say.
I don't see any point in going if the party is almost over.
The word you use depends on your intended meaning.
There is no point in calling such buildings 'ugly'.
It goes without saying that honesty is the best policy in many ways.
The project was successful in the sense that it drew the attention of everyone.
You will have guessed its meaning by the end of the chapter.
Price increases explain the difference between the real and nominal growth rates.
He had no idea what these words meant.
I've heard that word before, but I'm not sure what it means.
I grasped the whole meaning of the book by reading.
There's a subtle difference in meaning between the two words.
I've unlinked the Japanese sentence since it didn't have the same meaning as this sentence.
What various meanings can you find for the word "satellite"?
Do you know what this means? I think this is probably French.
Education means something more than going to school.
In the main, I am in favor of political reform if meaningful changes are made.
Old words often take on new meanings because of inventions and technology.
I took it in a literal sense.
A quarterly growth of 1.2% means an annual growth rate of 4.8%.
I found a new meaning whenever I read the book.
Learning another language means discovering a new world.