1. one
2. for one thing
often used in itemized lists
3. only
after a noun
4. (not) even
with a verb in negative form
5. just (e.g. "just try it")
Adjective (の)
6. some kind of; one type of
Pitch accent
Composed of
one; one
Used in vocabulary (36 in total)
another; one more; not quite; not very good; lacking
one-eyed; first (in a series); initial
(not) one
one-by-one; separately; in detail
single; solo; solitary; just one; only one
one by one; one each; one at a time
one by one; one each; one at a time
furthermore; adding to the above-mentioned; not quite; not very good; lacking
one more; another; the other; not quite; not very good; lacking
for one thing ...
one in a million (chance, etc.); one in ten thousand; in the unlikely event that
one or two; a few; small number
a head (e.g. taller or shorter); noticeable difference (in competitors' results)
one's body alone; having nothing except one's body; just oneself (with no belongings)
one of two (possibilities, alternatives, etc.)
one example of (when there are more examples)
the one thing that is well-remembered
one house; the same house; detached house
one by one; one after another
one's heart; at one's discretion; in one's hands
depends entirely on; depends above all on
the same thing
baby clothes
pair; couple; brace
same hole (in which to live); gang; group
ready reply; quick answer
(wearing) a loincloth alone; nothing but a loincloth
one mind; the whole heart; wholeheartedness
one or the same pot; eating or living together
single mistake which ruins all one's hard work; one blunder rendering a long period of effort useless; (lit.) one fart in a hundred days of sermons
One China (policy)
always listen to your parents; always value your parents' advice; (lit.) not even one in a thousand of a parents' opinion or an eggplant flower are in vain
one's only good set of clothes (suit, kimono, etc.)
Examples (145 in total)
One is blue.
That was the last one.
That's one possibility.