Adjective (な)
Four character compound
1. very hard; with utmost effort; as hard as one can; with all one's might; for dear life; eagerly; desperately
Pitch accent
Composed of
whole life; a lifetime; all through life; (the only, the greatest, etc.) of one's life
eager; earnest; strenuous; fervent; assiduous; with utmost effort
Examples (100 in total)
What are you doing so hard?
Work as hard as you can.
Study harder from now on.
Good students study hard.
I work hard at a hotel every day.
You studied hard for the test, didn't you?
Work hard, and you will succeed.
Although he is rich he works very hard.
I worked hard last month.
I worked hard in expectation of promotion.
You've worked hard this morning, Simon.
Tom works hard every day.
Farmers work hard in the winter, too.
Study hard so you don't fail.
We worked hard to make ends meet.
You must study hard while young.
You must try hard to the end.
He is accustomed to working hard.
That is because you always study hard.
He must be tired after such hard work.
I'm tired, but I'll study hard.
You tried very hard every day.
He commanded us to work hard.
Study hard so that you can pass the exam.
If you don't study hard, you'll continue to get poor scores.
You will have to study harder next year.
He tried hard, but failed.
You only have to try hard.
He played the game as best he could.
He remained poor despite being a hard worker.
You ought to work hard regardless of your income.
He works hard so that he can study abroad.
They worked hard like so many bees.
Work hard, or you will fail the examination.
Paul studies very hard these days.
Study hard, or you'll fail the exam.
He works hard to earn his living.
I ran as fast as I could, but I missed the train.
I studied English very hard day after day.
You don't have to work so hard.
You must work hard in order not to fail.
I worked hard all day, so I was very tired.
My mother worked hard in order to raise us.
Do you have any idea how hard I've studied to become a doctor?
He works harder than I did at his age.
It is through hard work that he succeeded, not through good luck.
You should study English harder.
You can make your dream come true by working hard.
She works as hard as her siblings.
However hard you try, you can't finish it in a day.
He is studying hard so that he may become a lawyer.
He worked hard in order to get the prize.
If you are to succeed in life, work harder.
We practiced very hard to beat them.
The doctor tried hard to save the wounded boy.
You should work hard so that you can pass any exam you take.
She worked hard in order to save money.
I wish I had studied English harder while young.
When he took the exam, he tried hard but failed it.
He studied hard; otherwise he would have failed again.
Even though we tried hard, we couldn't beat Jane.
She studied hard in order not to fail the entrance exam.
He studied hard with a view to gaining a scholarship.
He works hard to support his aged mother.
He regrets not having worked harder at school.
It stands to reason that he can't work hard after a long illness.
However hard I try, I can never catch up with him.
He worked hard to earn a lot of money.
I persuaded my brother to study harder.
You must study hard to have success in school.
My dream has come true at last by working hard.
No matter how hard he tries, my opinion won't change.
I worked hard in order to pass the math test.
I regret not having worked hard in my youth.
You'll be able to speak French better if you practice hard.
Our teacher must have studied English hard when he was a high school student.
She made up for lost time by working hard.
Though Jim works very hard, his job does not pay very much.
And he worked very hard for Mr Wood.
However hard I tried, I could not solve the problem.
No matter how hard I try, I can't do it any better than she can.
You must work hard if you are to succeed.
If you are to succeed in the exam, you must study hard.
The teacher reminded us to study hard for the test.
Now that you're a college student, you should study harder.
Even though he was a child, he worked hard to help his mother.
He worked very hard to earn a lot of money.
You have to work harder to make up for lost time.
No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't please him.
He worked hard; as a result he made a great success.
I had to study hard to keep up with the class.
All you have to do is study hard to get into a good college.
I must work hard to make up for lost time.
John studied hard at school, while at home he helped his mother with her work.
Roy practiced very hard to get his ski instructor's license.
He had to work hard day and night.
He worked hard, finishing the report in one week.
We tried hard to get first prize in the chorus contest.
However hard you try, you can't finish it in a week or so.
No matter how hard you try, you can't finish it in a day.