Verb (する)
1. coincidence; agreement; union; match
2. conformity; consistency
3. cooperation
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (35 in total)
discrepancy; discord; disagreement; mismatch; dissonance
solidarity; banding together and working as one for a common cause
seeing eye to eye; reaching an agreement; coinciding in opinion
national unity
combined (concerted) efforts; solidarity; joining forces (with)
unification of the written and spoken forms of a language
unity of church and state; theocracy
point of agreement
combined (concerted) efforts; solidarity; joining forces (with)
acting up to one's words; consistency between speech and action
unity of church and state
pattern match; pattern matching
unanimous cooperation
unity of body and spirit
coincident indicator
The consensus of opinion is that ...; It is widely agreed (admitted) that ...
speaking with one voice; being unanimous
sequence of tenses
unity (consistency) of knowledge and action
closing ranks; uniting and working together; coming together for fighting
partial match; matching a search term with sub-string within a field
règle des trois unités; the three unities (time, place and action)
identity gate; identity element
identity operation
identity gate; identity element
right-hand match; ends-with match; backward match; matching a sub-string with the end of a field
coincident-current selection
left-hand match; begins-with match; matching a sub-string with the beginning of a field
Examples (22 in total)
The story is not in accord with the facts.
My answer corresponds with yours.
Your ideas are in accord with ours.