1. all day long; all the day; throughout the day
Kanji used
Pitch accent
Composed of
one day; all day (long); throughout the day; first day of the month
through; throughout; in the course of; all over or throughout (e.g. a place)
Examples (32 in total)
Sitting all day isn't good for you.
A strong wind blew all day long.
They were pretty tired after having worked all day.
He kept silent all day long.
He's been working all day long.
The baby was sleeping all day long.
I worked on the farm all day.
The rain continued all day.
I waited for him all day long.
I have been writing letters all day long.
I watch television all day long.
I wanted to stay in bed all day.
I was playing tennis all day.
I have to use French all day.
He was ill, so he lay in bed all day long.
He was made to work all day by the boss.
Fred spent all day looking for a job.
Did they have to stay there all day?
I had to stay in bed all day.
The door remained closed all day.
I got tired of lying in bed all day.
Yesterday Mary stayed home all day.
Tom said that he had been cleaning the house all day.
I am worn out from working all day.
He hadn't eaten all day long and was very hungry.
It rained all day long yesterday, so I stayed home.
They made us work all day.
I spent the whole day reading that novel.
Having been busy all day yesterday, I feel very tired this morning.
John stayed in bed all day instead of going to work.
In summer, they used to play on the beach all day long.
She sat in the chair all day, thinking of past events.