Adjective (の)
1. amount necessary to fill a container (e.g. cupful, spoonful, etc.); drink (usu. alcoholic)
Adjective (な)
2. full
3. one squid, octopus, crab, etc.; one boat
Adjective (な)
Adjective (の)
Usually written in kana
4. fully; to capacity
5. a lot; much
Usually written in kana
6. all of ...; the entire ...
Kanji used
cup of liquid
Pitch accent
Top 17600
Examples (17 in total)
Shall I bring you a glass of water?
I would like to have a cup of coffee.
I'd like a glass of beer.
I want another cup of tea.
She drank a cup of milk.
A cup of coffee cleared my head.
Could you please bring me a glass of water?
Tom drank a cup of coffee.
Excuse me, may I have another cup of tea?
Bring me a glass of water.
May I have a cup of coffee with cream and sugar?
She treated me to a cup of tea.
A glass of cold water is very refreshing in hot weather.
Please give me a glass of water.
Will you have another cup of tea?
He drinks a glass of water every morning.
We usually have a slice of bread and a cup of coffee.