Adjective (の)
1. number one; first; first place
2. best; most
3. game; round; bout
4. as a test; as an experiment; by way of experiment; by way of trial; tentatively
5. song (e.g. in noh); piece
Pitch accent
Top 4200
Composed of
one; 1; best; first; foremost; beginning; start
number (in a series); (one's) turn; watch; guard; rank; standing; bout
Used in vocabulary (25 in total)
the crucial moment; the moment of truth; do-or-die situation; crucial juncture; crucial stage
leader of a charge; first to arrive
most numerous
first of all; first thing
first storm of spring; strong winds during the change from winter to spring
first thing in the morning
exerting oneself to the utmost, prepared to die if necessary
at the very beginning of one's speech; the first thing (one) says after opening the mouth
the first
the (one's) best pupil; the (one's) top disciple
first person (to do); person going first; first place; top position; person in the top position
decisive game; important bout; crucial match
contest decided by a single round (bout); contest decided by a single roll of dice; one-shot game (contest); make-or-break game
track no. 1
final bout of the tournament day
newly recruited wrestlers in the first round of presentation after mae-zumo
first and foremost; most important thing to do first; top priority; (lit.) plot 1, block 1
exerting oneself to the utmost, prepared to die if necessary
first-grade tea (first picking)
something so difficult that one doesn't know if there's even a 1 in 1000 chance of success
it's always darkest before the dawn; the darkest hour is just before the dawn
gird oneself up
giving cries of encouragement at a critical moment
bracing oneself up to action, being inspired by something; getting down to work, putting heart and soul into it; tackling (a job) with gusto
Examples (200 in total)
Health is the most important thing.
What are your biggest dreams?
He is the least likely to come.