1. one (esp. of two); the other; one way; the other way; one direction; the other direction; one side; the other side; one party; the other party
2. on the one hand; on the other hand
3. whereas; although; but at the same time; meanwhile; in turn
4. just keeps; being inclined to ...; tending to be ...; tending to do ...; continuously ...; just keeps on ...ing; only
after noun, adjective-stem or plain verb
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (7 in total)
one-sided; unilateral; arbitrary
the other; the other one
meanwhile; in the meantime; by the same token; in contrast
Examples (13 in total)
The cost of living is rising.
One is red and the other is white.
The mystery deepens.
One is tall and the other is short.
I keep saying I'll read them later, but they just keep piling up.
On one hand he is kind, but on the other hand he is lazy.
Either of the two roads leads to the station.
The floor was painted green, while the walls were yellow.
One of the cats is black, the other is brown.
Can you tell one of the twins from the other?
One of these two methods is right.
John studied hard at school, while at home he helped his mother with her work.
I have read sixty pages, while he has read only ten.