1. one long cylindrical thing; one film, TV show, etc.; one goal, home run, etc.; one telephone call
2. one version
3. one book; a certain book
4. ippon; one point; a blow
5. geisha
6. single-minded focus on ...
after a noun, usu. as 〜一本で, 〜 一本に, etc.
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (19 in total)
straight-forwardness; honesty; purity
to beat; to gain a point; to upset
winning by an ippon; winning by a point
direct unforked road; straight path
single standard; single base; single-feature show
single-minded (esp. personality or person); one-track mind
solitary pine tree
solitary Japanese cedar
unification; centralization; integration; drawing things together; working out a common policy; consolidation
monotone; monotonous; dull; lacking variety
finger; one's finger
guiding principle; single-minded policy; one's sole talent; single spear
long stool (that one is able to press out entirely in one go without it getting cut off); (long) sausage-shaped poop
unibrow; monobrow
single-rate tariff (system)
livid pinkgill (species of poisonous mushroom, Entoloma sinuatum)
relying on one's own resources; being entirely on one's own
Examples (24 in total)
There was not a tree in sight.
One of my teeth hurts.
Bring me a bottle of beer.