Adjective (の)
1. (the) negative (e.g. pole)
2. yin (in Chinese divination)
3. hidden place; unseen part; private location
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (52 in total)
back of a stone monument; inscription on the back of a stone monument
gloomy; melancholy; dreary; depressed; dismal
gloomy; dismal; miserable; spirit of yin
shadow; shade; shading; nuance; shades of meaning; subtleties
sadness and gloom
crafty; tricky; sly; sinister (look)
vulva; pudenda
malicious; spiteful; vicious; shady and damp
the genital area
female genitals; vulva
bardo; state (or period) of intermediate existence between one's death and rebirth (in Japan, 49 days)
shades of evening; dead of night
goddess; female deity
invisibly; secretly; privately
cosmic dual forces; yin and yang; sun and moon, etc.
negative personality; asocial type
pubic hair
place in the shade of a mountain; shelter of the mountains
negative (result); gloomy; negative (e.g. attitude); pessimistic
the positive and the negative
dark and desolate; forlorn
lunar calendar
(photographic) negative
secret charity
negative pressure
moment; short time
ringworm (of the groin); jock itch; tinea cruris
hollow relief (carving); white line (woodcuts)
vagina; love-making technique
red candlestick (in a candlestick chart); bearish candlestick
the lesser yin (within yin-yang)
negative charge
negative reaction (in patient)
negative charge; negative electricity
lettering of an engraving
implicit function
negative plate
lunisolar calendar
yin yao (broken line composing one third of a trigram)
hemitonic pentatonic scale (pentatonic scale containing semitones)
hidden surface removal
Cryptozoic (period)
hemitonic pentatonic scale (pentatonic scale containing semitones)