1. universe; cosmos; space
Pitch accent
Composed of
counter for buildings, roofs, tents, etc.
space; air; midair; (from) memory; (by) heart
Used in vocabulary (75 in total)
space alien; alien; extraterrestrial being
outer space; void of space
space force
space development; space exploration
whole universe; total universe; all of creation
macrocosmos; macrocosm; the universe; the cosmos
microcosmos; microcosm
outer space
space flight; spaceflight
space station
cosmo-chemistry; space science
escape velocity; orbital velocity; cosmic speed; space velocity
(since) the beginning of the universe; (since) the dawn of time
space dust; cosmic dust; interstellar dust
one's outlook on the universe
space debris; orbital debris
space engineering
ultimate fate of the universe; end of the universe
National Space Development Agency; NASDA
space development project (program, programme)
space weaponry
space exploration
galaxy; island universe
space medicine
space communication
space physics
cosmic radio waves
Outer Space Treaty
space research
particle horizon of the observable universe
space helmet
astrobiology; exobiology
cosmological constant
cosmological principle
space environmental pollution
cosmic background radiation
expanding universe
cosmic microwave background radiation
cosmic distance ladder; cosmological distance ladder
automated cargo spacecraft; unmanned resupply spacecraft
cosmological term
space weather
cosmic censorship hypothesis; cosmic censorship conjecture
cosmic censorship hypothesis; cosmic censorship conjecture
Examples (34 in total)
But the universe is infinite.
Can we breathe in space?
What is the origin of the universe?