Adjective (の)
1. movie; film
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (74 in total)
movie theatre; movie theater; cinema
horror film; horror movie
making (book, etc.) into film; making a screen version; adapting for the screen
movie director; film director
romantic film; love movie
Hollywood movie
animated cartoon; animated film
film studies; cinema studies
movie (film, screen) actor or actress
spy movie; spy film
B-movie; B-picture; B-film
live-action film; movie produced without using animation; real-life film
American film; American movie
foreign cinema; foreign film; a foreign movie
silent movie
French film; French movie
horror film
film world; world of cinema
youth film; teen movie
disaster film; disaster movie
epic film; big-budget movie
documentary film
cinema fan; cinema-goer; cinephile; film aficionado; film buff; film fan
gangster film
yakuza film; yakuza movie
pornographic film; blue film
film critic; movie critic
cultural film
film drama
biographical film; biographical movie; biopic
cineast; someone who works in the movie industry
pink film; Japanese genre of softcore porn movies
entertaining movie; entertaining film
three-dimensional movie; 3-D movie
epic film; spectacular big-budget production
animated film; cartoon
thriller (film)
film society; movie club
film critique
science film
musical (film)
cult film; cult movie
propaganda film
movie fan; cinema enthusiast
script-writer; auteur
film shown over the New Year period
movie company
film study
underground film
double feature (movie)
long film (movie)
short, unofficial video posted online summarizing the plot of a movie (usu. with still images or clips taken from the movie)
Examples (200 in total)
What kind of movie is it?
It's a good movie.
Weren't you going to the movies?