Adjective (の)
1. nutrition; nourishment
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (40 in total)
dietetics; nutritional science
nutrient; nutritional supplement; nutritional tonic
dietitian; (licensed) nutritionist
energy drink; nutritional supplement drink; vitamin drink
nutritional value; food value
highly nourishing (nutritious); earning top marks nutrition-wise
nutriment; nutritious substance; nourishment
source of nutrients
malnutrition; malnourishment
nutritive material
nutritional supplement; dietary supplement
overnutrition; excessive nutritional intake
undernutrition; undernourishment; malnutrition; poor nutrition
nutrient composition; nutritional composition; nutritional information
central venous hyperalimentation; intravenous hyperalimentation
nutritive salts
tube feeding; tubal feeding; intubation feeding; gavage
functional nutritional food
vegetative propagation
nutrition facts label
vegetative reproduction
bottle feeding; artificial nourishment
parenteral nutrition; parenteral alimentation
Junior College of Nutrition
vegetative organ
lake with low nutrient level; oligotrophic lake; unproductive lake
recommended dietary allowance; RDA
breast feeding; maternal feeding
natural alimentation
mixotrophism; mixed feeding; mixotrophy
nutritional yeast
Examples (8 in total)
She is careful about her child's nutrition.
I had a nutritious breakfast.
It's cheap but very nutritious.