1. English (language)
Pitch accent
Composed of
United Kingdom; Britain; English (language)
word; language; speech
Used in vocabulary (30 in total)
English teacher
English-speaking world; English-speaking countries; Anglosphere
command of English; proficiency in English; knowledge of English
English version
English name (for a country, etc.); English-derived nickname (used by someone with a non-Western personal name); Western name
Japanese word constructed of elements from one or more English terms; pseudo-English word or phrase coined in Japan; wasei eigo
teaching of English; English teaching
theatrical performance given in English
British English
American English
English version; English translation
current (present-day) English
English studies; English philology; English linguistics
Middle English
halting English; broken English
learning English
business English
private school for the study of English
English speaker
English proficiency test (esp. the STEP test)
spoken English
English Language Proficiency Test; TOEFL
British English
English proficiency examination; English proficiency test
English department (e.g. in a university)
African American Vernacular English; AAVE; Black English; ebonics
English-speaking person; foreigner
EIKEN Test in Practical English Proficiency; STEP test
Examples (200 in total)
I don't know English.
If only I could speak English!
English seems boring to me.