1. railway station; train station
2. staging post on a highway (in pre-modern Japan)
3. counter for railway stations and bus stations
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (57 in total)
shopping area within a train station
station building
long-distance relay race; stagecoach; post horse
Examples (200 in total)
Where is the station?
The station is on the right.
He approached the station.
I went to the station.
Which station are you going to?
Is that the station?
Who did you see at the station?
What's the next station?
He hurried to the station.
I arrived at the station.
Our college is far from the station.
Where is the South Station?
I bought a box lunch at the station.
I'll drop you off at the station.
The restaurant was far from the station.
I called my mother up from the station.
The train station is close to the hotel.
This road leads to the station.
Is the movie theater near the station?
I lost my passport at the station.
I had to run to the station.
Will you wait for us at the station?
Why did she go to the station?
It is only a short walk from the station.
Where's the closest train station?
He will have to go to the station.
He is walking towards the station.
Please wait for me at the station.
First of all, he went to the station.
I'm on my way to the station.
Excuse me, what station is this?
We live close to the station.
The station is far from here.
Our school is near the station.
Excuse me, which way is the station?
I made my brother go to the station.
Is this the street leading to the station?
It was snowing when I reached the station.
There is a station in the center of the city.
I'll call you as soon as I get to the station.
Did you see him at the station this morning?
That's the bus that goes to the station.
Our school is on the other side of the station.
Sally met Harry at the station.
There's a coffee shop in front of the station.
There's a supermarket behind the train station.
My parents have just arrived at the station.
The train arrived at Osaka station.
I bumped into him at the station.
There is a fountain in front of the station.
What time will you get to the station?
She got to the station at seven.
John has already come to the station.
We parted at the station at three.
We arrived at the station at five.
We got to the station at six.
He arrived at the station at seven.
An American spoke to me at the station.
Tom bought a weekly magazine at the station.
This bus will take you to the station.
It's rush hour at Tokyo station.
The post office is located near the station.
There's a beauty salon next to the station.
Why did Jane go to the station?
He left his luggage at the station.
Could you tell me how to get to the station?
My house isn't near the station.
You must get off at the next station.
I must get off at the next station.
We ran all the way to the station.
She waited for her lover at the train station, but in vain.
Could you give me a ride to the station?
I went to the station to see my friend off.
He was told to get off at the station.
"Where have you been?" "I have been to the station to see a friend off."
The station is to the west of the hotel.
"I have to go to the bathroom." "Me too." "We should've gone at the station."
I'm just about to set off for the station.
Why on earth did you take him to the station?
I just got to the station. I'll be waiting for you at the library.
Go straight, and you will find the station.
He went to see his grandfather off at the station.
It's convenient living so close to the station.
The train station will be closed from tomorrow.
Either of these roads leads to the station.
A stranger inquired about the way to the station.
I ran across my uncle at the station.
From which station does the train leave?
"Where did you go?" "I went to the train station to see a friend off."
There was a fire near the train station last night.
They soon arrived at the station on the moon.
The train left the station on time.
We'll meet at the station at 2:30.
Please let me pick up your sister at the station.
I went shopping near the station yesterday.
If you follow this street, you will get to the station.
The hotel is within easy access of the station.
She may be waiting at the station now.
We will probably arrive at Tokyo station at noon.
Let's meet at the station at eight tomorrow morning.
It is very convenient to live near a station.
My uncle has a flower shop near the station.
This is the shortest way to the station.
He was made to wait at the station for two hours.
He changed trains at Sendai Station.
Where's the nearest subway station?
I heard my name called in the station.
I walked the whole way to the station.
The man you met at the station is my father.
Can you tell me how to get to the station?
Excuse me, but will you tell me the way to the station?
He kindly drove me to the station.
His house is within a short walk of the station.
I decided to wait at the station until my wife came.
The office where my father works is near the station.
He led us to the station.
Yesterday I ran across her at the station.
I met an old man near the station.
I happened to meet an old friend at Tokyo Station.
Dozens of people gathered before the station.
He met his English teacher at the station by accident.
When I left the train station, I saw a man.
She asked me to meet her at the station.
Will you tell me the way to Kyoto Station?
He made an effort to get to the station early.
I took a taxi from the station to the hotel.
Amy walks to the station every morning.
I bought this book from the bookshop near the station.
She was kind enough to accompany me to the station.
When he got to the station, the train had already left.
Is this the right way to Yokohama Station?
The station is situated in between the two towns.
The hotel I'm staying at is near the station.
You must be at the station by 5 o'clock.
I had great difficulty in finding my ticket at the station.
In the future, I think there'll be a subway station here.
Take this train and change at the next station.
The bus runs between the school and the station.
It's two kilometers from the station to the library.
I have just been to Sapporo Station to see my mother off.
The moment he arrived at the station, it began to rain.
He met one of his old friends on his way back from the station.
John ran to the station in order to catch the last train.
Can you give me directions to the subway station?
My house is located at a distance from the station.
We are going to see her in front of the station tomorrow.
He showed me the way to the station.
I met her at the station, but I did not recognize her in uniform.
She hurried to the station only to miss the train.
I waited for him at the station for an hour, but he didn't show up.
How far is it from here to that station?
Our car happened to pass theirs by the station.
Hello, it's me. Could you come pick me up at the station?
How long does it take from here to Tokyo Station by car?
He will leave for the station an hour before the train leaves.
I have often met Mr Sasaki at the station.
A foreigner asked me where the station was.
I ran into an old classmate of mine on my way to the station.
In Japan, you can see the orderly lines at stations.
I met her in a coffee shop near the station.
I couldn't meet him at the station because my car ran out of gas.
Do you know how far it is from the station to city hall?
We arrived at the station as the train was leaving.
The old lady was kind enough to show me the way to the station.
This road will lead you to the station and the city center.
I'll be waiting for you at the station tomorrow morning.
Were you going to the train station when I saw you?
My school is about ten minutes' walk from the station.
He was kind enough to show me the way to the station.
I bought this book from the bookshop near the railway station.
When Tom got to the station, the train had already left.
How do I get to your office from Tokyo Station?
No one went to the station to see him off when he left for Tokyo.
I saw her at the station five days ago, that is, last Friday.
However, as soon as I saw the situation at the train station I began to regret this decision.
Mr. Tanaka makes a living by running a small stationery shop near the station.
We left the station and walked along the street until we came to a small hotel which Sam knew about.
I'll accompany you to the station.
I've just arrived at the station.
Tokyo Station is the third stop.
My apartment is five minutes from the station.
It's two miles from here to the station.
The station is 100 meters away.
I'll arrive at the station at about 1:35.
He did not see anyone else at the station.
You get off at Yotsuya Station.
The bus will arrive at the station in fifteen minutes.
I saw him at the station a few days ago.
Why are there no taxis at the station today?
I have to be at the station at nine.
How long does it take to the station by taxi?
You'll find the way all right once you get to the station.
The train will arrive at the station before noon.
My apartment is located within five minutes' walk of the station.
I am meeting my mother at the station at 4 o'clock.
It was a good five kilometers from the station to the school.
Whichever way you may take, you can get to the station in about ten minutes.
The school is located within five minutes' walk of the station.
It takes us thirty minutes to walk from here to the station.
"How far is it from here to the station?" "It is about two miles."