Verb (する)
1. speech; address
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (20 in total)
after-dinner speech; speech made at a dinner (luncheon)
speech meeting; oratorical meeting; meeting to hear a speech
campaign (vote-getting) speech (for a candidate)
Examples (64 in total)
He made a speech.
Tom's speech was good.
François gave a speech.
Do I really have to give a speech?
Do you have to make a speech?
He made a speech on behalf of our company.
He compelled me to make a speech.
I was bored with his speech.
He made a speech in plain English.
The President will make a speech over the radio.
Our principal made a long speech.
I regret missing the speech.
He made a speech in connection with world peace.
His speech was too short.
I made a draft of my speech.
The following is a summary of the President's speech.
"The Gettysburg Address" is a concise speech.
He made a speech in front of many people.
His speech is worth listening to.
Your speech will be recorded in history.
The guests listened to a number of speeches.
All the people were moved by his speech.
I am sick of his long speech.
Anyone can make a speech here on Sundays.
Mr. Bell is due to make a speech tonight.
Unfortunately I was not in time for his speech.
I'm not used to making speeches in public.
His speech continued for three hours.
You must record his speech.
My speech was greeted with cold silence.
A summary of his speech was printed in the newspaper.
His speech made a good impression on me.
I am not accustomed to making speeches in public.
His speech was brief and to the point.
The governor's speech was published in the magazine.
The newspaper extracted several passages from the speech.
The governor's speech was aimed at the press.
She made references to World War II in her speech.
What if you gave a speech and nobody came?
I arrived too late to hear his speech.
I was greatly impressed by the speech.
I was called upon to make a speech in English.
He made a speech in support of the plan.
He made a speech in support of my view.
The queen is going to address parliament next week.
I got more and more bored as the speech went on.
The speech was greeted by loud cheers.
The President's speech brought about a change in the American people.
The speech deeply affected the audience.
The audience clapped loudly after his speech.
The speech made by the president yesterday delighted his supporters.
The famous doctor made a speech on AIDS.
He made an admirable speech about protecting the environment.
The President's speech was calculated to ease world tensions.
Even though he didn't sleep, Mr. Blay gave a great speech.
A person giving a speech should stand where everyone can see him.
It was such a boring speech that I fell asleep.
People came from far and wide to hear the President's speech.
A scholar made an excellent speech about human rights.
His speech was very impressive. You should have been there.
People wondered why Tom gave his speech in French.
He always talks as though he were addressing a public meeting.
The Prime Minister's speech was calculated to anger the opposition parties.
He was making a speech, but he abruptly stopped speaking when he heard a strange noise.