1. omen; sign of luck
2. origin; history; causation
3. dependent arising; doctrine that everything has a cause and there is nothing that arises out of nothing
orig. meaning
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (11 in total)
ill-omened; unlucky
talisman; lucky charm
of bad omen; ill augur; boding evil; bad fortune
ominous; ill-omened; inauspicious; unlucky; sinister
of good omen; auspicious; lucky; auguring well (for); boding well (for)
of good omen; auspicious; lucky; auguring well (for); boding well (for)
of good omen; auspicious; lucky; auguring well (for); boding well (for)
of good omen; auspicious; lucky; auguring well (for); boding well (for)
to be superstitious; to believe in omens
change of fortune; trying to change one's luck
Buddhist theory of the twelve-fold chain of causation, interdependent origination and co-dependent arising (San: pratītya-samutpāda); twelve causal links