1. Europe
Pitch accent
Composed of
state (US, Australia, India, Germany, etc.); province (e.g. Canada); continent; (arch.) dear
Used in vocabulary (22 in total)
European Union; EU
First World War (1914-1918); World War I; (lit.) Great European War
European countries
European Parliament
European campaign (esp. soccer)
European Economic Community; EEC
European Constitution
European Commission (executive of the EU)
post-war Europe
Conventional Armed Forces in Europe; CFE
Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris)
European Currency Unit; ECU
European Monetary Fund; EMF
European Monetary System; EMS
European Political Co-operation; EPC
English oak (Quercus robur); pedunculate oak; common oak; French oak
European Stability Mechanism; ESM
Norway spruce (Picea abies)
Examples (2 in total)
I traveled about Europe.
Britain is separated from the Continent by the Channel.