1. music
Pitch accent
Composed of
sound; noise; report; note
music; old Japanese court music; gagaku
Used in vocabulary (67 in total)
Examples (165 in total)
I'm listening to music.
Music is everything.
The music was captivating.
I produce music.
I don't understand music.
She understands music.
He was listening to music.
What kind of music do you like?
I talked about music.
We like music.
I want to listen to Japanese music.
They are talking about music.
We study music.
He is very fond of music.
He is mad about music.
He is playing music.
Ann likes music very much.
I'm learning music.
I can't live without music.
I was enchanted with the music.
He is a music enthusiast.
I was mesmerized by that music.
He was absorbed in listening to the music.
Composers create music.
Music is the universal language.
What was the music you were listening to?
"Does he like music?" "Yes, he does."
Turn up the music!
You don't like music.
My brother likes music.
He talked about music.
Are you interested in music?
I like music, but I also like paintings.
You have good taste in music.
You have a genius for music.
He is a great lover of music.
They love music.
I was moved by the music.
His taste in music is superb.
She liked poetry and music.
He loves music.
My brother is interested in English and music.
He belongs to the music club.
Rock is the music of the young.
It's not only sports I like, I also like music.
Listen to this music and relax.
He has always devoted himself to music.
Ken likes music very much.
Music feeds our imagination.
She especially likes music.
Would you mind turning down the music?
Loud music is bad for your health.
Margaret has a talent for music.
Tom is also musically talented.
She devoted her life to music.
You will come to like this kind of music.
Everybody loves music.
I like Irish music.
He is an ardent music lover.
His music is sweeping the whole country.
It seems that Cathy likes music.
I like disco music.
Susie loves Japanese music.
I often spend my free time listening to music.
I buy a portable music player.
He diverted himself by listening to music.
My favorite music is pop music.
I'm not saying his music is bad.
I am familiar with his music.
"She likes music." "So do I."
He likes music very much.
When you listen to music while running, it sounds slower.
Music makes our life happy.
In those days, music was everything to us.
The music added to our enjoyment.
What's your favourite music venue?
His music and words appeal to young people.
What's your favorite music group?
She devoted her time to the study of music.
This sort of music isn't my cup of tea.
Which do you like better, music or English?
The king was greatly entertained by the music.
She finds an everlasting enjoyment in music.
The people came out of their houses to listen to his music.
I also like listening to music on the radio.
The music we listened to last night was wonderful.
She went to Paris to study music.
What kind of music has been popular recently?
His music was not popular at home.
I call architecture frozen music.
Miss Green teaches us music.
I like art and music among my school subjects.
Musical talent usually blooms at an early age.
When I study, I listen to music with earphones.
Tony did not often hear music.
This music was composed by Bach.
She has an extraordinary ability in music.
The beauty of the music consists of its harmony.
Susan enjoys listening to music.
His son has a gift for music.
I know that Nancy likes music.
He has an outstanding talent for music.
I often listen to soothing music in order to relax.
Which do you like better, rock music or classical music?
His musical ability was fostered in Vienna.
I feel a strong attraction to the music of Beethoven.
This music is so beautiful that it brings tears to my eyes.
This music suits my present mood.
Your music pleases me very much.
That music is worth listening to many times.
In general, it may be said that he is a genius in music.
Young children should be exposed to good music.
Anyone can cultivate their interest in music.
"Why have you started learning to play the piano?" "Because I want to be a music teacher."
Linda went to the park to listen to music.
I often study while listening to music.
His music has attained great popularity overseas.
I'm not keen on this kind of music.
He showed little interest in books or music.
Many students go to Europe for the purpose of studying music.
Music and art can greatly contribute to the enjoyment of life.
When you were studying abroad in Japan, what music did you listen to?
In order to relax, I need to listen to soothing music.
Music surrounds our lives like air.
You can enjoy some recorded music while you wait.
The music faded away.
Bob lost interest in rock music.
She has a natural talent for music.
I often enjoy listening to music after supper.
He went to Austria for the purpose of studying music.
I can't listen to music at night anymore because my headphones broke.
I enjoyed the music to my heart's content.
Tom went to Boston to study music.
Her only pleasure is listening to music.
He often sits by me and listens to music.
It happened that she and I liked the same kind of music.
If it weren't for music, the world would be a boring place.
I can't keep up with the recent British music scene.
I like listening to music, and playing music even more.
His family was poor, and poor people did not often hear music.
My sister went to Italy to study music.
She always comforted herself with music when she was lonely.
I was deeply impressed with the medieval music.
Not all of us are born with musical talent.
They sat still as if they were charmed by the music.
With regards to music, he is one of the most famous critics.
That commercial makes a strong impression - especially the music. It stays in your head.
This kind of music is something that older people have difficulty understanding.
The purpose of the committee is to develop children's musical talent.
The old man drew a large crowd with his music.
She began to derive further pleasure from listening to music.
Well, I bake bread, listen to music, or read comic books.
I must admit I don't like much contemporary music.
It is not so difficult to appreciate good music.
Even if you don't like music, you'll enjoy his concert.
He could show his feeling with music instead of words.
I didn't like rock music at first, but it soon grew on me.
The music next door is very loud. I wish they would turn it down.
I like listening to music, especially jazz.
No musician would have thought of playing that music at the funeral.
He is keen on rock music, but she is even more so.
She likes music better than anything else.
She has bought a record of dance music.
I didn't like the music in the store, so I left without buying anything.
Never have I heard such beautiful music.