1. Tuesday
Pitch accent
Composed of
Tuesday; fire (second of the five elements)
day of the week
Examples (27 in total)
Today is Tuesday.
Are you free on Tuesdays?
Come on Tuesday if possible.
Tuesday was certainly cold.
She'll be staying at the Royal Hotel next Tuesday.
Classes begin next Tuesday.
Today is the last Tuesday of the month.
Please send in your summary by Tuesday.
The book must be returned by Tuesday.
"Is it Monday or Tuesday?" "Today is Tuesday."
I was absent last Tuesday on account of illness.
The party has been put off until next Tuesday.
I will have finished reading this book by Tuesday.
It'll be easy to finish this job by Tuesday.
I will see you on next Tuesday, that is to say, the 10th of September.
The board of directors is going to discuss the proposal next Tuesday.
They can come on Monday or Tuesday, but not on Wednesday or Thursday.
The day after tomorrow is Tuesday.
Are you free on Tuesday?
Come on Tuesday, if it's possible.
Tomorrow is Tuesday, the tenth of October.
It's Monday today and it will be Tuesday tomorrow.
Today is Tuesday. I am buying fishes.
Yesterday was Tuesday, January 26, 2010.
"Today's Tuesday, right?" "Yeah." "Why's it so crowded?"
Tom told me that he could come on any day but Tuesday.
The plan announced Tuesday calls for $54 billion in tax cuts.