Verb (する)
1. discharge; dismissal
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (5 in total)
unfair dismissal; wrongful dismissal; unfair termination
dismissal notice; pink slip (US)
person who has been laid off
Examples (22 in total)
Did you hear that Fred was dismissed?
Tom was dismissed without notice.
There is no reason why he should be dismissed.
The manager threatened him with dismissal.
His employer dismissed him yesterday.
Tom was the first to be fired.
Tom got fired from his job for stealing.
First of all, we must dismiss him.
Sami fired a lot of people.
There are rumors in the air that he was fired.
Many workers were laid off at that plant.
All the workers who are lazy must be fired.
He was dismissed on the grounds that he was lazy.
The short term contract employees were dismissed without notice.
No workers can be dismissed without previous notice.
The company was forced to lay off many employees.
Because of a shortage of work, half the staff was discharged.
We came to the conclusion that he should be fired.
He had to part with his secretary when she got married.
Last month, they had to lay off several hundred employees in the factory.
General Motors laid off 76,000 workers.
I thought I had the right to fire anyone I wanted to.