1. mawashi; belt; loincloth
2. mantle; cape
3. gang rape
Pitch accent
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Used in vocabulary (48 in total)
putting off; postponing
spy; secret agent
acrobatic barrel-rolling (performed using the feet while lying on the back); handing something around (within a fixed group of people in a pre-arranged order); handing off a problem to someone else (in order to evade responsibility)
spy; secret agent
(pair of) compasses; dividers; revolving stage
the direction of the wind; circumstances
drinking in turn from one vessel (cup, glass, etc.)
in opposition to
showman who trains performing monkeys
drinking in turn from one vessel (cup, glass, etc.)
turning by hand; hand-turned; hand-cranked; preparations; arrangements
theatrical elocution
melody; intonation
theatrical elocution
passing the ball; exchanging passes; passing back and forth
pen spinning; spinning a pen around between the fingers
lining at the bottom of a kimono
laying the groundwork; behind-the-scenes maneuvering; consensus-building process; digging around the roots of a tree (before transplanting)
(ease of) handling; operation; arrangement (of pipes, wires, etc.); layout; wrestler's belt used in a bout
spinning rapidly; turning quickly; fast-forward (VCR, etc.); scanning
theatrical elocution
reading a book in turn
taking someone around; guidance; (arch.) parading a criminal through town before their execution (Edo period)
turnaround (e.g. at the end of a driveway)
supporting, but indispensable role; major supporting role
plate-spinning trick; plate spinner
early preparations
long take (film-making); continuous shot
undressing of a woman by a villain, by pulling her obi and spinning her round
ornamental apron
shaping ceramics on a pottery wheel; spinning a pottery wheel; gesticulating with your hands as if you were shaping ceramics on a pottery wheel
hoop trundling or rolling
manner of singing
(skillfully) giving other participants in a variety TV show the chance to talk by asking them questions or calling them out
lively or quick witted person
an expression; phraseology
puppet operator
passing the bottle around
wrestler's belt used in a bout
depressing something and turning it while still depressed (i.e. gas stopper, spark plug)
flat-bladed screwdriver
diestock; die handle
bracket saw; sabre saw; saber saw
game in which people sit in a circle taking turns to imitate the previous person's humorous facial expression or gesture