Verb (する)
1. restoration; rehabilitation; recovery; return; replevin; improvement
2. recovery (from an illness); recuperation; convalescence
esp. 快復
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (37 in total)
analepticum; restorative medicine
power of recovery; ability to recuperate; resilience
recovery from exhaustion
supercompensation; overcompensation
healing item; health item
restoring one's impaired reputation; regaining one's honor; redeeming oneself
unrecoverable; irreversible; irreparable
restoration of public order
non-recoverable; unrecoverable; irreparable; irreversible; irretrievable
recovering of trust; winning back of trust
the recovery of lost territory; recovering (regaining) lost ground (one's former position); fence-mending
recovery time
economic comeback (rebound, recovery, turnaround)
recovery function
recovering one's spirits; rejuvenation; refection
recovery position
economic recovery
restoration of sovereignty
recovery log
partial recovery
error recovery
dialogue recovery
RMS; Recovery Management Support
backward (file) recovery
forward recovery
recovery characteristics (e.g. of electrical sensor)
Examples (41 in total)
Will he recover?
It seems the weather will improve.
I wish you a quick recovery.