Adjective (の)
1. coast; beach
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (18 in total)
coastline; shoreline; coastal railway
south coast; southern shore
Examples (43 in total)
We went to the beach.
He says he found it on the beach.
Let's keep our beaches clean.
His cottage is on the coast.
We'll have a barbecue at the beach.
How do I get to the beach?
We saw them on the beach.
You aren't allowed to swim at this beach.
There were a lot of people on the beach.
They spent the night on the beach.
We walked along the beach.
There are a lot of turtles on the beach.
Our house faces the beach.
He walked along the shore.
They strolled along the beach.
The ship sailed along the coast.
Tom found a dead body on the beach.
As I am off duty today, let's go to the beach.
The promenade runs parallel to the shore.
We went to the coast for our summer vacation.
We often took a walk along the seashore together in the morning.
This road extends to the coast.
The ship sailed along the coast of Shikoku.
The children would play for hours on the beach.
After dinner, I take a walk on the beach.
The travelers stayed at a seaside hotel.
People swim at that beach at their own risk.
We got into his car and went to the sea.
We used to go on holiday to the seaside.
Some families spend their vacation near the beach.
When I was a child, I used to go to the seashore every summer.
I live near the sea, so I often go to the beach.
I was planning on going to the beach today, but then it started to rain.
While living near the beach, I often enjoyed swimming.
Seaside resorts, such as Newport, are very crowded in summer.
On a good day, you can see the coast of Estonia from Helsinki.
Paul's family spends the summer at the coast every year.
Six of us are going on an excursion to the beach this weekend.
He visited the coast of South America in 1499.
The weather was beautiful, and we stayed on the beach all day.
I saw a fishing boat about a mile off the shore.
The town is two miles away from the coast.
The island is about two miles off the coast.