to cause a loss; to make a hole (in)
to wrench open; to prize open; to pick (lock)
to make way for; to make room for; to get out of the way; to pave the way for; to open up opportunity
to force open; to push open
to open the lid; to lift a lid; to open the lid (on); to make public; to start (something); to look at the results (consequences, outcome, effect)
to be away from home; to be out of the house
to be away from home; to be out of the house
to penetrate a body (e.g. with a spear or bullet); to breathe new life into; to provide a potential solution
to force open; to push open
to cause a loss; to make a hole (in)
to forcefully open up a hole (in a wall, etc.); to speak frankly, holding nothing back; to throw out (everything inside)
to get a body piercing (earlobe, tongue, etc.)
to be away from home; to be out of the house
to make way for; to make room for; to get out of the way; to pave the way for; to open up opportunity
to penetrate a body (e.g. with a spear or bullet); to breathe new life into; to provide a potential solution
to gape; to open one's mouth wide
the New Year begins; the New Year starts
to be away from home; to be out of the house
to open some distance (e.g. with other people)
to make oneself available (free)
to open (up) a Pandora's box
to leave a space (between words)
one's term of service expires (e.g. apprenticeship)