1. injury; harm; evil influence; damage
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (51 in total)
harm; injury; evil (influence)
damage; injury; loss
harmful effect; harmful influence; evil practice; abuse; malady
problems caused by old people; harm to society by gerontocracy
pollution; public nuisance; contamination
nonviolence; non-harming; ahimsa
salt damage (from seawater, sea air, etc.)
advantages and disadvantages; interests (of parties)
injury; harm; danger
harmful animal
stronghold; fortress; strategic position; key position
(suffering) damage; injury; harm
harmful; hazardous
malice; malicious intent; intent to kill
real harm; actual damage
locust plague; damage to crops by grasshoppers
water damage; flood disaster
assault; violence; damaging (someone)
harm; evil; poison; blight; harmful influence
cold-weather damage (to crops)
heavy damage; havoc; ravages
harmful side effects of a medicine or drug
damage to crops by vermin (esp. insects); pest damage
great damage
commit suicide
light pollution
(crop) damage owing to disease or blight
storm and flood damage
evil; harm; mischief
victim (of a crime, esp. murder)
heavy damage; great harm
heavy damage; great harm
evil intentions; malice
wind damage; storm damage
advantages and disadvantages; gain some, lose some
problems caused by animal droppings
ill effects of drinking
foreigner; gaijin
harming others
(principle of) an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth; lex talionis; equal retaliation
great harm (esp. to a person); murder
harm; killing; destruction at the hands of rebels
hail damage
earthquake damage
damage from cold weather
upsetting others with one's odour (strong perfume, etc.)
damages inflicted by monkeys (on crops, etc.)
retard; moron; cripple
Examples (13 in total)
Bad books will do you harm.
Wine is not harmful in itself.
Smoking is dangerous to health.