1. each; every; all
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (43 in total)
particular; special; exceptional; particularly; especially; exceptionally
each (school) subject
each clause; each article; each item
every place; various places
each (person); everyone; individual; respective
every kind; all sorts
each place; various places
particular; special; exceptional; particularly; especially; exceptionally
each person
every quarter; all sides
all parts; various parts; every department
each one
all companies; each company
each floor
everyone; each and every one (of you); ladies and gentlemen
each school
each stratum; each class
each field; various circles
each clan
each newspaper; every newspaper
each prefecture; all prefectures
each party; each faction; all sects
each ministry
each shop
every room
every station; local train; train that stops at every station
item-by-item discussion; itemized discussion; detailed exposition; detailed discussion
all phases
each item; each clause
each line
each line
every city
many ways; various methods
every month
all information
each time
Everyone has his (her) own view; Different people, different opinions
one copy each
each book (volume or copy)
every week
(in) each of the houses of the Japanese parliament
Examples (3 in total)
Each book has its own destiny.
Round-trip fares to each destination are as follows.
I use numbered index cards for each student.