1. school
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Used in vocabulary (90 in total)
primary school; elementary school; grade school
junior high school; middle school; lower secondary school
senior high school; high school
vocational school; technical school
theological school; seminary
educational facility established in affiliation with a government agency
school education; formal education
music school; music academy; conservatory
nursing school; nursing college
normal school (pre-war Japan); teachers' training college
elementary school (in Japan; 1941-1947)
private school; non-government school
(legally) incorporated educational institution
cookery school; cooking school; culinary school; culinary academy
agricultural school
underground website or online message board for a school where students typically exchange information on tests, commit cyberbullying, etc.
school for the handicapped; special school
school for the blind
school for the deaf
school physician
regular school; school that follows the regular curriculum
school for training bachelor girls in homemaking arts; (a type of) finishing school
English conversation school
school for Japanese outside of Japan
evening school; night school
Western school; school dedicated to the study of the West and Western languages (late Edo and Meiji periods)
school for the deaf
military medical college
(special) vocational school
special school; special needs school
special needs school; special support school
school burglary; school vandalism
school requisites (supplies)
six-year secondary school (type of school introduced in the 1998 revision of the Japanese School Education Law)
school for the blind and dumb
designated school; priority admission school (for a university)
parochial school; church school
school for the deaf and dumb
school for the blind and dumb
school for the deaf and dumb
school for the deaf and dumb
National School Establishment Law (1949)
private school that allows students to advance from one stage of education to the next, often kindergarten to university, without taking entrance exams en route; (lit.) escalator school
private school that allows students to advance from one stage of education to the next, often kindergarten to university, without taking entrance exams en route; (lit.) escalator school
school grammar; system of Japanese grammar used in Japanese schools and dictionaries
citizenship training school
special school for handicapped children
prefectural police academy; prefectural police training school
school bond or debenture
Examples (200 in total)
I want to leave school.
School was exciting.
I don't want to go to school.