1. conical hat (East-Asian style); coolie hat
2. something shaped like a conical hat or an umbrella; shade (of a lamp); mushroom cap; pileus
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (15 in total)
to wear the mantle of (borrowed) authority and misuse it
to be highhanded; to be arrogant; to be overbearing
to wear the mantle of (borrowed) authority and misuse it
pinecone; pine cone
pinecone; pine cone
mounted archery; target shooting on horseback
sedge hat and straw rain cape
copestone; cope; coping stone; capping stone; capstone
mounted archery; target shooting on horseback
to be fired; to be decapitated
women appear the most beautiful when viewed from afar, in the dark, or when wearing a bamboo hat; seeing less is more
Cellana toreuma (species of limpet)
helping and protecting in all ways; (lit.) acting as a raincoat (protecting from rain) and acting as a hat (protecting from sun)