Verb (する)
1. activity (of a person, organization, animal, volcano, etc.); action
2. movie (esp. during the silent movie period)
Pitch accent
Composed of
living; life; judo art of resuscitation; action; activity
Used in vocabulary (80 in total)
club activities; extracurricular activities
job hunting; job searching
active; dynamic; energetic
voluntary activity; voluntary service; labor of love
club activities (usu. clubs in association with a school); extracurricular activities
extracurricular activities
economic activity
volunteer activities; volunteerism
rescue operation; aid operation; rescue work
club activities; group activities
philanthropic activity; charity work
sphere of action; scope of activity; range of work
political activity
publicity (information) activities; public relations
musical activities
business activities
propaganda activities
protest action; protest movement
outdoor activity
extravehicular activity; EVA
volcanic activity
information campaign; awareness program
solo activities (e.g. of a band member); solo work; performing solo; solo career
fund-raising activities
energy; vitality
artistic activities
looking for a change of occupation; looking for a new job
underground activity; underground activities; underground movement
social activity
research activities
looking for love; searching for a lover
searching for a marriage partner; marriage hunting; activities leading to marriage (e.g. dating, courtship)
corporate activities; business operations
relief activity; relief work
peace-keeping operation
demonstration; protest
relief (aid) work
brain activity
job hunting; job search
civic activity; activities initiated by the citizens themselves
linguistic activity; language (as defined by Saussure; langue and parole)
nervous activity; activity of a nerve
class activities; homeroom activities
extra-curricular activities; special activities
results (of an activity)
diplomatic activity
specified nonprofit corporation
business activities; business conduct; business operations
theatrical activities; theatre work
specialty magazine; information digest
inaction; lethargy
(Japanese) Anti-Subversive Activities Act
hyperactivity; overactivity
environmental practice; environmental practices
making preparations for a divorce
cell activities (esp. by a left-wing party)
Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering; FATF
merger activity
international peace activity
overseas activities
active galaxy
Law Concerning the Promotion of Specific Non-Profit Organization Activities (1998); the NPO Law
extra-curricular activities
modal verb
practising law without a license
activity tracker; fitness tracker
on-street activities (peforming, collecting, etc.)
accumulating points (in loyalty programs)
Examples (22 in total)
Our brains control our activities.
Some animals are active at night.
All life is a series of activities.