Adjective (な)
Adjective (の)
1. perfect; complete
Pitch accent
Composed of
The End; Finis; completion; conclusion; providing fully
all; whole; entire; complete (set); in total
Used in vocabulary (46 in total)
imperfect; incomplete; faulty; defective
flawless; absolute perfection
fully armed; armed to the teeth
full version; complete version; unabridged edition
perfect combustion
perfect number
complete remission
full employment
complete support; full support
complete metamorphosis; holometabolism
commission-only remuneration (e.g. from sales)
wholly-owned subsidiary
fully compatible
perfect elasticity
feeding an infant solely with breast milk (i.e. no formula)
complete intransitive verb
full parent company; wholly-owning parent company; sole parent company
perfect competition
fully populated
fully qualified domain name; FQDN
fully-connected network
complete representation
perfect gas; ideal gas
perfect conductor
complete leaf
black body; blackbody; Planckian radiator; full radiator; perfect radiator
everything must go (e.g. in a sale)
vegan diet; plant-based diet
perfect fifth
perfect fourth
perfect fourth
exact differential
Examples (82 in total)
I'm totally drunk.
You're still not completely convinced, are you?
This is perfectly normal.