Verb (する)
1. infection; contagion; becoming infected
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (39 in total)
infectious disease; infection
infected person
infectious capacity
source of infection
airborne infection
spread of infection
infection route; source of infection
infection through contact
mass infection; infection outbreak; infection cluster
secondary infection
infectious disease
explosive growth of infections; explosion of cases of an infection
droplet infection
infection rate
hospital-acquired infection; healthcare-associated infection; HCAI; nosocomial infection
infection prevention; disease control
oral infection; orally transmitted infection
opportunistic infection
case of infection
respiratory tract infection; RTI
infection route; transmission route
percutaneous infection
death from infection
susceptibility to infection; lack of resistance to infection
source of infection
macro infection type virus
respiratory tract infection; RTI
droplet nuclei infection
asymptomatic spread (of an infectious disease); silent infection; subclinical infection
community-acquired infection
apparent infection
human-to-human transmission (of a disease)
breakthrough infection (infection in someone who is vaccinated)
Examples (6 in total)
There's no sign of infection.
It seems that the computer was infected by a virus.
A virus infected Tom's computer.