1. space (between); gap; interval; distance; stretch
2. period of time (during, while); duration; interval
3. between (two parties or things)
4. among (a group)
5. relations (between); relationship
6. midpoint; average; halfway; middle ground
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (19 in total)
the other day; lately; recently; during this period
long time; long interval; for quite some time
for a short while; for a while; for some time; for the time being
Examples (200 in total)
There was a momentary pause.
Can you hold on a little longer?
The electricity failed during the storm.
I sat among them.
She does not take a rest for an instant.
While there is life, there is hope.
The moon came out from behind the clouds.
Devils are hiding among the rocks.
Let's have some coffee during recess.
The cat hid among the branches.
How long has that been there?
My wallet was stolen while I was asleep.
He hesitated for a moment.
The movie is popular with young people.
A fire broke out during the night.
It happened while I wasn't looking.
A cry arose from the crowd.
The electricity failed during the typhoon.
Kate stays in Izu over the weekend.
Bees are flying among the flowers.
Bears hibernate during the winter.
Warm yourself while the fire burns.
Birds were singing among the trees.
Wait for a moment outside the room.
The woman was sitting between two men.
What do you want to do while you're here?
I fell asleep while reading a book.
Be quiet while I am speaking.
He's sitting between the two chairs.
Be quiet for a moment.
Take this medicine between meals.
Please keep on working even when I'm not here.
Can I borrow this for a little while?
There is a yard between the two houses.
For a moment, no one spoke.
It cannot have rained during the night.
They shut up their store for the winter.
The jewel was stolen during the night.
For the holidays, I'm going to Tokyo for a week.
We live in the country during the summer.
Can I borrow your pen for a few minutes?
She was very bored during the lecture.
Buses run between the station and the airport.
How long will this rope hold?
A burglar broke in while he was asleep.
Somebody came to see me while I was out.
How long have you played soccer?
She stayed in that area for a short while.
She changed her hairstyle during summer vacation.
Don't cross the road when the signal is red.
He kept silent all the time during the interrogation.
The boat sank during the storm.
When the cat's away, the mice will play.
While napping, I had a strange dream.
A small stream ran down among the rocks.
There are noticeable differences between the two.
There's a vital link between the two.
It happened between eight and ten.
Many weeds were growing among the flowers.
What is the distance between New York and London?
She waited for him for hours.
I saw Bob and Mary while I was waiting for Kate.
We had a visitor while you were taking a shower.
There is a marked difference between them.
How long have you lived in Kobe?
Tennis is very popular among students.
Nagoya is between Tokyo and Osaka.
Tom and Jim have been on bad terms for many years.
The fortune was divided among the three brothers.
There is a generation gap between them.
While he was sick, he lost a lot of weight.
John passed among the crowd.
The audience sobbed throughout the climax of the movie.
I worked in a post office during the summer vacation.
There is no surface difference between them.
All the passengers got seasick during the storm.
Did it snow while you were in Boston?
While I was speaking, he said nothing.
The boy sat among the girls.
Be quiet while I'm speaking.
Please remain seated for a few minutes.
During hot weather, be sure to drink lots of water.
It rained a lot that winter.
They rented their house for the summer.
The old man stopped for a moment to rest.
This bridge became famous among young people.
What are you going to do for summer vacation?
There is a strong bond between the brothers.
The hotel remains closed during the winter.
He managed the company while his father was ill.
I'll hold your bag while you put on your coat.
I stayed at my uncle's during the summer.
This letter arrived while you were out.
Sometimes my dog barks in the middle of the night.
I have to do laundry while it's still sunny.
I was away from home all through the summer vacation.
It goes without saying that nobody can come between us.
A woman visited us while you were sleeping.
This train runs between Tokyo and Osaka.
I'll look after the children while you go shopping.
It became popular among young people to wear hunting boots.
You can enjoy some recorded music while you wait.
Who'll look after your cat while you are away?
While I was in Tokyo, I ate sushi every day.
They live in that house among the trees.
This custom has become firmly established among the Japanese.
He sat for a long time, listening to the sound of the wind.
At that time, Tom was sitting between Mary and John.
The singer is popular among young people.
The family property was distributed among the relatives.
While the demonstration was being made, the president was taking notes.
This superstition still lingers on among them.
What would you like to do while you're here in Australia?
There is a lack of communication between the young and the old.
Finally, the discord between them came to an end.
The train runs between Tokyo and Kagoshima.
This plane flies between Osaka and Hakodate.
While she was out, the thief got away with her jewels.
Would you mind waiting outside while I talk to him?
I'll never see him again as long as I live.
Please don't cut in while I'm talking with him.
The island is covered with ice and snow during the winter.
There must be some misunderstanding between us.
There are subtle differences between the two things.
She prepared the meal in a very short time.
During the summer vacation, I made friends with many villagers.
Yesterday my bicycle was stolen while I was doing some shopping.
Keep silent while he is playing the piano.
Please take care of my birds while I'm away.
He met many fascinating people in the course of his travels.
While he was reading a newspaper, his dog was lying beside him.
His own way of doing things is not popular with us.
He was silent for what seemed to me an hour.
Who is in charge of the office while the boss is away?
I'll never forget him as long as I live.
Don't phone me while I'm at the office.
Keep the dog still while I examine him.
I'll take over your duties while you are away from Japan.
There was a violent clash of opinions between the two leaders.
The bathtub overflowed while she was talking on the phone.
How long will you stay with your aunt?
We die only once, and for such a long time.
I've been living with my uncle for a month.
The novelist is pretty popular among teenagers.
It must have rained during the night; the road is wet.
I made my brother my agent while I was out of the city.
We should strike a balance between our expenditure and income.
Could you keep an eye on my suitcase for a moment?
She had a daughter by her first husband.
Proverbs are still very popular in America.
Switzerland is located between France, Italy, Austria and Germany.
As is evident from the data, smoking is not decreasing among the young.
While visiting Switzerland, he became ill with pneumonia.
They have practiced this custom for many years.
There had never been any ill-feeling between them until that night.
There's a subtle difference in meaning between the two words.
She devoted her life to working among the poor.
His dog stared at him every morning while he had his breakfast.
As far as I know, there were no problems during the first semester.
Keep an eye on my bag while I buy a ticket.
There exists an enormous difference between the two theories.
There is little, if any, difference between the two.
While in England I often consulted the guidebook.
Terms were signed between Japan, Germany, Great Britain and the United States.
He always leaves the window open while he sleeps.
Father kept in touch with us by mail and telephone while he was overseas.
Police immediately sealed off the streets around the hotel as they searched for the bomb.
Yuji told his friend a story about his adventure during the summer vacation.
Prophets have been forecasting the end of the world for centuries.
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is.
While they were away on vacation, their neighbors looked after the dog.
His claim is that there is a close relation between birth order and personality.
Love grew between Taro and Hanako.
A river runs through the valley.
Akira went out for a few minutes.
There are only two prime numbers between 10 and 14.
Is there a river between the two parks?
There is a village between the river and the hill.
I want to live as long as I can stay in good health.
A child develops rapidly between the ages of 13 and 16.
Leave a space between the lines.
The river flows between the two countries.
Please call me up between seven and eight.
There is a river between Saitama and Chiba.
You must keep quiet for a few days.
The hairstyle soon became popular among young people.
The path between the two houses was blocked by snow.
The town lay buried for centuries.
He composed three poems in a month.
Lie on the bench for a while with your eyes closed.
Shun will take over my job while I'm away.
He stayed at the hotel for as long as a month.
Mary was wrongly imprisoned for nearly 10 years.
For months, he did almost nothing.
We have not had a single drop of rain for two weeks.
In the last fifteen or twenty years, there have been great changes in family life in Britain.
Weekdays Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The boss asked Mr Brown to take charge of the office while she was away.
The lines of this field run between magnetic north and magnetic south at the two poles.
The Hikari runs between Tokyo and Shin-Osaka in three hours and ten minutes.