Adjective (の)
1. foundation; basis
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (28 in total)
fundamental; basic
fundamental knowledge
foundation works
basic research
to lay the foundation for (e.g. a theory); to lay the basis for
basic technology; generic technology
basal metabolism
fundamental academic skills; expected basic knowledge (of a subject)
basal body temperature
skin-care products
basic medicine
underlying disease; primary illness; underlying condition
foundation engineering
basic pension
basic science
foundations of mathematics
preclinical study; basic study
primary production
basic or standard deduction
English Language Proficiency Test; TOEFL
floating foundation
basic rate; base rate
bed rock; foundation rock
municipality; basic municipality
basic training; practicing the basics
basic training; practicing the basics
Examples (9 in total)
Foundations are important.
Mathematics is basic to all sciences.
Compassion is the basis of all morality.