1. period; time
2. opportunity; chance; occasion
3. age
4. term (e.g. in office)
5. session (e.g. of parliament)
6. stage (e.g. of a disease)
7. season (e.g. of a TV series)
Alt. forms
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (169 in total)
second half of the (fiscal) year
expectation; assume will happen; forecast
fishing season
transition, cutover period
stage of ennui (esp. in one's married life); period of lassitude; lethargic period; rut
expiration (of a term); maturity (e.g. investment); serving one's (full) time
first term; first half-year; preceding period; early period
growth period; growing season
a period (of time)
rebellious phase; rebellious age
end of term
dawning (of a new era); dawn
transition period
upturn; increment phase; rise period
same period; corresponding period; same year (of graduation, entering a company, etc.); contemporary; synchronization; synchronism
(early) childhood
mating season; estrus (oestrus); estrum; the rut
middle period; medium-term
unexpectedly; accidentally; by chance
half-term; half-time; half period
period of maturity; adolescence; puberty
eclipse period (in viral lifecycle); eclipse phase; dark age
closed season for fishing or hunting
time of delivery (of a child)
thawing season; thaw; season when the ice melts
post-term delivery; postmature delivery
time; season; period; phase; stage
period; term; interval
next term; next period; next version; next release
period of an apprentice's contract (usu. ten years); apprenticeship; indentureship; one-year period
fixed date; settlement date
cycle; period
heyday; golden age
the present term
summer term (e.g. school); summer period
time of death; one's final hour; one's end
term of office
irregular; indeterminate; tramp (steamer)
period (of life) when one is enjoying more romantic attention than usual
period (of life) when one is enjoying more romantic attention than usual
prison term
two periods; two terms
marriageable age; chance of marriage
suitable age (esp. for marriage); marriageable age
glacial period; glacial epoch; glacial era; tough period; drought (of opportunities, jobs, etc.)
next term
breeding season
stable period (with ref. to pregnancy, typically from 4th month when the placenta is fully formed, morning sickness usually goes away and risk of miscarriage decreases)
harvest time
childhood; infancy
peak period; pinnacle; prime; zenith; glory days
busy period; busy season
early childhood
second term; second stage
building time; construction period
turning point; transition phase
indefinite; unlimited; life imprisonment
golden age; golden era
slack season for farmers; leisure season for farmers
quarter (of a year)
Meiji period (1868-1912)
period when one's voice changes; (age of) puberty
busy farming season
period of rapid growth (especially Japan's period of rapid economic growth after WWII)
prime of one's life; stage of maturity
session (of a legislature)
cycle; period
expected; anticipated; hoped for; expectation
puberty; adolescence; youth
final stage; terminal stage
dormant season
the last stage
spawning season; breeding season; laying period
time of great change; era of reform
phase of decline; ebb; twilight
accounting period
initial stages; first stage; early period; pioneer days; beginning; outset
incubation period
second half of the year; second half of the fiscal year
terrible twos (developmental stage in toddlers)
terrible twos (developmental stage in toddlers)
definite (period or term)
interphase; interkinesis; midcycle
acute phase
(similar to) perinatal; period from around the 28th week of pregnancy to a week after the baby is born
coldest period
half life
the last half-year; second half of the year
infancy; babyhood
mating season
off period; off season; slack season
moulting season; molting season
initial stage; early period
the first half-year; first half of the year
hunting season
time of year when television and radio replace programs (usu. spring and fall)
anthesis; flowering season
lactation period
infancy; in cradle
formative period (e.g. of nation); formative year
current term (period)
postpartum period; postnatal period; puerperal period; puerperium
one's full maturity
first half of the (fiscal) year
time of creation
menopause; menopausal
weaning period
chronic phase
rainy season
growth period
ideal time
dry season
every term
whole term; entire period
interwar period (1918-1939)
unexpected; accidental
oral phase; oral stage
new season (e.g. of TV programming); new term
whole financial year; full business year
menstrual period
hunting season
dry season; dry spell; dry period
beginning of a term
period of economic growth
worst period of time
anal stage
downturn; decrement phase
many periods
lactation period
farming season
thawing season; spring thaw
phallic stage
luteal phase
(girl's arrival at) puberty
cycle (e.g. in business)
safe period
alluvial period
during a period; while
change of life; menopause
fishing season
freezing or frost season
rainy season
sprouting season (of ears of grain)
molting season
staggered terms (applied to corporate directors as a defensive measure against hostile takeovers)
follicular phase; proliferative phase (of the estrous or menstrual cycle)
Chalcolithic period (i.e. the Copper Period)
occupation period (e.g. post-WWII period during which the Allies occupied Japan)
refractory period
sleep onset REM period; SOREMP
interphase death
at times of many visitors; busy times
full-term birth; labor at term (labour); term delivery
looking forward to; anticipating
Examples (3 in total)
The economy has entered a recession.
The plays of Shakespeare fall into four periods.
This is a work from Turner's mature period.