1. account; history; chronicle; annals; record
also written 紀
2. Kojiki; Records of Ancient Matters
Alt. forms
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (99 in total)
record of war; war chronicle; commentaries of war; military history
record; minutes; record (e.g. in sports); results; to record; to document
clerk; secretary; writing down; putting on record
keeping in mind; taking note of; remembering; taking to heart
addition (to a text); additional entry (e.g. to a database)
multiple entry; listing
memorization; memorisation; learning by heart
clear writing; specification
article; news story; report; account
reporter; journalist
commemoration; celebration; honoring the memory of something; turning something into a memento; memory
description; account
mention (in a document); record; entry; statement; listing
symbol; code; sign; notation
expression in writing; written representation; notation; writing on the surface (e.g. an address on an envelope); inscribing on the face
biography; life story
medal; badge; insignia
commemorative photograph; souvenir photograph
the Kojiki and Nihon-shoki
above-mentioned; above-named; above
Kojiki; Records of Ancient Matters; Japan's oldest historical record
annals; chronicle; chronology
aforesaid; above-mentioned; said; above
Genesis (book of the Bible)
registry; entry; book-keeping; signature
the following
journal of one's travels
description of regional climate, culture, etc.
Job (book of the Bible)
signature; register; to put one's name on; to sign; stamped name; typed name
war chronicle
annotation; commentary; explanatory note
Shiji; Shih-chi; The Historical Records (ancient Chinese historical record)
account of a (sports) game
keep in mind; take note of; remember
undermentioned (statement); the following; at left
almanac of seasonal words (for haiku poets)
posting (of notes, notices, etc.); transcription
Book of Exodus (Bible)
erroneous entry; misentry; slip of the pen; writing down wrongly (a sum, etc.)
castaway story (e.g. Robinson Crusoe); drifter's adventure tale
old chronicle; old record
writing oneself; self-recording
written commentary on notable events or persons
guidebook; guide
Leviticus (book of the Bible)
set of three books of Buddhist stories, written in the late 8th and early 9th century, usually referred to as the Nihon Ryōiki
forecast of the future
travel journal
vyakarana (assurance of future enlightenment)
private records or documents
subject (of memo, email, etc.); title
prison diary; diary written in prison
general description; exhaustive listing
Numbers (book of the Bible)
court rank diploma
decoration diploma; diploma
numeration system; number representation system
Judges (book of the Bible)
Joshua (book of the Bible)
writing a musical score
good memory; retentive memory
Samuel I (book of the Bible)
one's memoirs; keepsake (not from a dead person)
Samuel II (book of the Bible)
Nehemiah (book of the Bible)
Esther (book of the Bible)
secret records; secret document; secret notes
record of an interview
Ruth (book of the Bible)
Kings I (book of the Bible)
Ezra (book of the Bible)
Nihon Ryōiki (Heian period collection of Buddhist stories); An Account of Miracles in Japan; Miraculous Stories from the Japanese Buddhist Tradition
Nihon Ryōiki (Heian period collection of Buddhist stories); An Account of Miracles in Japan; Miraculous Stories from the Japanese Buddhist Tradition
full account
diploma; testamur; graduation certificate
single-entry (bookkeeping); voting for one person only
abovementioned item; description at beginning of (this) text or document
abovementioned item; description at beginning of (this) text or document
Kings II (book of the Bible)
Nihon Ryōiki (Heian period collection of Buddhist stories); An Account of Miracles in Japan; Miraculous Stories from the Japanese Buddhist Tradition
Nihon Ryōiki (Heian period collection of Buddhist stories); An Account of Miracles in Japan; Miraculous Stories from the Japanese Buddhist Tradition
generic content portion description
document class description
writing in red ink
record of information about a Buddhist statue (usu. an inconspicuous inscription on the statue)
Examples (2 in total)
By the way, how many of you keep a diary?
I have kept a diary for three years.