1. ogre; demon; oni
2. spirit of a deceased person
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (21 in total)
devil; imp; evil spirit
bloodthirsty killer; cold-blooded murderer; homicidal maniac
the northeastern (unlucky) direction; person or thing to be avoided; (lit.) the demon's gate; weak point; Achilles' heel
vampire; bloodsucker
mask of a devil; startling appearance; devil's face
demoness; witch; ogress; married woman
fierce god
fierce god
suspicion will raise bogies; once you suspect something, everything else will look suspicious; jumping at shadows
appearing in unexpected places and at unexpected moments; elusive; phantom
ghastly; dreadful
wizard; genius; remarkable talent; exceptional ability
necrology; roster of the dead
gods and demons; divine spirits and souls of the dead; one with (spiritual) power beyond that of humans; fierce god
cruel creditor; bill collector
anxiety; concern; (secret) fear; (hydatidiform) mole
sex maniac; seducer; libertine; Lothario; rake
Chinese "ghost" constellation (one of the 28 mansions); "day of the ghost"
kanji "demon" radical
navy blue demon residing in hell
Examples (2 in total)
There are no demons in this world.
The demons came out all at once to capture their prey.