Usually written in kana
1. ant
Kanji used
Pitch accent
Top 12000
Used in vocabulary (35 in total)
antlion (larva); doodlebug; antlion pit
termite; white ant
worker ant; hard worker
winged ant; flying ant
winged ant; flying ant
red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta)
army ant; driver ant
perineum; area between sex organs and the anus; very narrow passage
soldier ant
Japanese wood ant (Formica japonica)
wood ant (any ant of genus Formica)
yellow ant
you can do anything if you set your mind to; (lit.) even an ant's thoughts reach the heavens
myrmecology; the study of ants
university graduate who has failed to find a high-paying job
dovetail joint; swallowtail joint
dovetail tenon; dovetailing
dovetail tenon; dovetailing
aphid; plant louse; plant lice
Polyergus samurai (species of amazon ant)
Japanese carpenter ant (Camponotus japonicus)
Myrmechis japonica (species of orchid)
Monomorium intrudens (species of ant)
Japanese carpenter ant (Camponotus japonicus)