1. chair; chairman; chairperson; speaker (of an assembly); president (of a council, senate, etc.)
Pitch accent
Composed of
discussion; deliberation; thought; opinion
head; chief; merit; strong point; superiority; major
Used in vocabulary (7 in total)
Speaker of the House (US, etc.)
acting chairman; acting president
Examples (35 in total)
The chairman is going to resign.
He was elected chairman.
I have been nominated for the chairman.
The chairman of the meeting became ill.
We elected James chairman.
Mr. Jordan is the chairman.
We made him chairman.
He served as chairman for three years.
I know the chairman of the committee.
The chairman rejected the proposal.
We elected Jack chairman.
We selected the chairman by a vote.
We elected Jane chairperson.
Ms. Asada was appointed chairperson.
The chairman should take the minority opinion into account.
Who will be the chairperson today?
The students chose her to be the chairman.
Nobody argued against choosing him as chairman.
They installed him as chairman of the committee.
Mike acted as chairperson of the meeting.
They appointed Miss Smith chairperson.
He's Mr. Brown, the chairman of the committee.
The chairman rejected his absurd proposal.
He's resigned his position as chairman of the committee.
We appointed Mr Wood chairman.
He accepted his appointment as chairman.
We have elected him chairman of the meeting.
He was elected as chairman from among many candidates.
Barry Taylor's name has been put forward for the post of chairman.
I would like to nominate Don Jones as chairman.
Mr. Thomas had no objection to Mr. White being elected chairman.
He is one of our most experienced chairmen.
The chairperson has been associated with the organization for ten years.
Mr Suzuki, who is a former Prime Minister, will be chairman of the committee.
Article 6. The president shall preside at all meetings.