Verb (する)
1. argument; discussion; dispute; controversy
Pitch accent
Composed of
discussion; deliberation; thought; opinion
argument; discussion; theory (e.g. of evolution); doctrine; essay; treatise
Used in vocabulary (7 in total)
room for argument
to get into an argument; to come to discuss; to be controversial (usu. as an adjectival phrase); to be contentious
to have a discussion
Examples (72 in total)
Let's carry on the discussion.
Did you take part in the discussion yesterday?
It's no use arguing with him.
Discussions are ongoing.
The argument is full of holes.
It is hardly worth discussing.
They entered into a heated discussion.
It was an argument of little substance.
I'm afraid that I don't want to discuss this matter.
Let's put a stop to this discussion.
Let's not discuss the matter today.
After we had tea, we began the discussion.
The argument ended in a fight.
I was involved in a petty argument.
What is the basis for the argument?
It is no use arguing with him about it.
The argument will not hold.
They went on arguing for hours.
It's clear that our arguments don't coincide at all.
His argument was aside from the point.
She rebutted his argument.
The committee is discussing social welfare.
The bell went off right in the middle of our discussion.
I don't like arguing.
I took his side in the argument.
All the arguments pointed in the same direction.
His argument is inconsistent with our policy.
His argument was most convincing.
His argument was far from rational.
We carried on the discussion till late at night.
He wins his arguments by logical reasoning.
His argument was based on facts.
She argues just for the sake of arguing.
Her argument was not based on facts.
There was much argument against the bill.
A long discussion boiled down to a realistic conclusion.
I argued with them about the matter.
We still have enough time to discuss it.
They discuss the matter every day.
I will discuss the question with you in detail.
They seemed to be discussing a matter of great importance.
I argued with him about the new plan.
We discussed the plan yesterday.
We discussed the matter with each other.
This question must be discussed separately from that one.
We discussed the new plan yesterday.
After they argued, they didn't speak to each other for a week.
The data to be discussed below was collected in the following way.
Tom decided not to discuss religion.
This political problem gave rise to hot discussions.
I can't follow the course of your argument.
His argument is more radical than yours.
There was much argument for and against the bill.
There's no need for us to argue about this.
They liked to argue about political issues.
Your suggestion seems irrelevant to our discussion here.
They came up with a plan after a long discussion.
This problem is too simple, so it is hardly worth discussing.
Though his argument was convincing, we did not side with him.
They spent hours in argument about the future of Japan.
There was a heated argument as to who should be appointed chairman.
We discussed the problem far into the night.
We had a long discussion about what to do about it.
The debate over which consultant to use went on for hours.
We discussed the matter from an educational point of view.
The second argument deals with the naturalization of foreign workers in Japan.
We discussed what to do and where to go.
The interpretation of this data, however, is very much in dispute.
When I visited their apartment, the couple was right in the middle of an argument.
The policeman did not believe my story, and I thought it was no good arguing with him.
The drivers began arguing about who was to blame for the accident.
Here, I'll confine this discussion to why many foreigners enjoy sumo.