Verb (する)
1. absorption; suction; attraction
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (12 in total)
Examples (15 in total)
Black absorbs light.
Rugs absorb sound.
The large intestine absorbs water.
He assimilated what he was taught.
This material absorbs CO2.
Small businesses are often absorbed by a major company.
The small company was taken over by a large organization.
This cloth absorbs water well.
The car bumper absorbed some of the impact.
When the ocean absorbs a lot of CO₂, the water becomes more acidic.
The pupils absorbed all the knowledge the teacher gave them.
He tried to absorb as much of the local culture as possible.
I would like to know how these substances are absorbed by the body.
I tried to absorb as much of local culture as possible.
Cotton absorbs water.