1. cattle (Bos taurus); cow; bull; ox; calf
2. beef
usu. ぎゅう
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (47 in total)
horn (of a cow)
water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis); domestic Asian water buffalo; wild water buffalo (Bubalus arnee); Asian water buffalo
Wagyu beef; Japanese beef
beef sinew; beef tendon
gyudon; rice covered with sliced beef, usu. with vegetables
ox carriage (for Heian era nobles); oxcart
raging bull; ferocious bull
cow shed; cattle barn
beef tongue (a specialty of Sendai); ox tongue
skewered beef
snail's pace; slow progress
cowhide; oxhide
cattle manure; cow dung; cowpat; bullshit
butcher's knife; chef's knife
beef bone (used to make stock); cattle bone; bovine bone
thin slices of beef, cooked with various vegetables in a table-top cast-iron pan; sukiyaki
butcher specializing in beef; dealer in beef; beef-hotpot restaurant
bovine spongiform encephalopathy; BSE; mad cow disease
cowshed; cow farmer; restaurant specializing in beef dishes; store (butcher, etc.) that sells beef
beef cattle
canned beef
heavy eating and drinking; gorging and swilling; drinking like a cow and eating like a horse
Taurus (2nd zodiacal sign); the Bull
pasturing cattle
beef roast; beef sirloin
aurochs; urus (extinct ancestor of the modern cow, Bos taurus)
Ten Bulls (ten stages of the herding of an ox, used as an analogy for training the mind on the path to enlightenment)
small fraction (of); drop in the bucket; drop in the ocean
rump of a cow
rice covered with beef and vegetables
minced beef; ground beef
water buffalo
beef shin; beef shank; gravy beef
work cow; work cattle
longhorn; long-horned cattle
beef products
polled cattle
contagious bovine pleuropneumonia; CBPP
bull (breeding); sire
calf; cattle being reared
Examples (23 in total)
The cows are eating grass.
How many cows do you have?
He raises horses and cattle.