Adjective (の)
Verb (する)
1. game; match; contest
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (36 in total)
field; sports stadium; arena
athletic meet
track-and-field events
competitor; contestant; player; athlete
bicycle racing; cycle sport
competitive karuta
competitive karuta
athletic sports
water sports (esp. swimming and diving); swimming competition
diving competition
sporting venue; grounds; stadium; competition venue
gymnastics competition; artistic gymnastics
track event; running event
Olympic event; Olympic Games
combined competition (usu. in skiing)
hurdling; hurdle race
combined competitions
throwing event (javelin, discus, shot put, etc.)
government-controlled gambling sport (Japan); gambling sport under the control of a local authority
ski jumping; jumping event (track and field)
downhill racing (skiing)
rifle-shooting competition; rifle-shooting contest
Winter Olympic Games; Winter Olympics
jumping event (track and field)
competitive programming; competition coding
Examples (6 in total)
Rugby is an outdoor game.
My favourite game is football.
Are you going to take part in the contest?