1. church; congregation
Pitch accent
Composed of
religion; cult
meeting; assembly; party; society; association; club
Used in vocabulary (43 in total)
church; cathedral; chapel
Western Church; Western Christianity
Examples (87 in total)
That's a church.
We went to church.
Today I won't be going to church.
I don't go to church anymore.
When did you go to church?
I go to church every day.
Let's pass by the church.
I'm going to church tonight.
Church is a sacred place.
It's just across the street from the church.
Churches were erected all over the island.
I went to church with him.
"Is this a church?" "Yes, it is."
I met her at the church.
I used to go to this church.
There used to be a church here.
This is the church where we got married.
I went to church this morning.
The church is surrounded by woods and lakes.
There's a church in the center of the village.
How old is this church?
There's a church across the street.
Do you go to church on Christmas Day?
How old is that church?
I used to go to church on Sundays.
He rarely goes to church.
When was this church built?
The church stood alone on the hill.
The church is in the middle of the village.
I saw Mary at church today.
They are collecting contributions for the church.
The church sits on the outskirts of town.
The church is at the foot of the hill.
A church spire could be seen in the distance.
There is a church near my house.
I go to church every Sunday.
The building with the reddish brown roof is a church.
If you turn to the left, you will find the church on your right.
I took off my hat and entered the church.
We repainted the church.
This is the church where Blake is buried.
It is a typical Gothic church.
There's a church behind my house.
There's a car in front of the church.
There is an old church in this town.
The church stands on the hill.
The church is decorated with flowers for the wedding.
The priest blessed the newly built church.
I hardly ever go to church.
How many churches are there in this city?
That building whose roof is brown is a church.
Sunday is the day when people go to church.
People established churches and schools there.
The clock in the church tower struck nine.
Mrs. Smith goes to church by car.
Tom was shot down in the street in front of the church.
I go to church on Sundays.
The old church by the lake is very beautiful.
This church has beautiful stained glass windows.
The church is built in Gothic style.
The church congregation was moved by the fine sermon.
I know there was a big church here.
Whoever goes to church believes in God.
I go by that church every day.
The old church stands north of the town.
I only go to church out of duty to my mother.
The church was built hundreds of years ago.
She took the old woman's hand and led her to the church.
The lady's funeral was held at the local church.
They buried him in the graveyard by the church.
The injured were carried to the hospital, and the dead to the church.
The main duty of a priest is to preach in church.
Emily’s family go to church every Sunday.
I went to church every Sunday when I was a boy.
The medieval church despised the body and exalted the spirit.
Mary was impressed by the big organ in the church.
Could you please tell me where the nearest church is?
The building whose roof you can see over there is our church.
When I was asked by an old man where the church was, I pointed it out.
We cut away all the grass and weeds around the church.
On an island in the Seine, there is a big church called Notre Dame.
They watched the solemn ceremony in the church with awe.
This church was built in the 12th century.
We could hear the bells ringing from a nearby church.
The church dates back to 1173.
Tom came to church last Sunday for the first time in a long time.
The wedding will be held in a 17th century church.